

Owaranai Kiss


Want to link me? Here's the buttons if you want to use it. Just right click onto it and save picture and uploaded it to your main directory. Then copy and past the html codes to a page were it can be seen.

want to become an affiliate? Just follow this simple rules.

1) No Hentai
2) Must be about anime, games, or Japanese related
3) Must have over 1000 hits
4) Must make me an affiliate on your site.

Want to become an elite affiliate?(link will be shown on the main page)
1) Must be a friend of mines.
2) If not, your site has to have over 3000 hits.
3) Must join Wandering Flame's Topsite and Webring.
4) Must have a good layout.
5) Must updated at least once every 2 weeks or 3 times in a month.
6) Must make me an affiliate on your website as well.

I will only allow 3 elite affiliate so you'd had better have a good site!

Email me at if you want to become an affiliate.